SchoolPing is our school communication system. Letters home are electronically sent via SchoolPing so it is important to check for notifications regularly. Paper copies are available from the school office. We also use SchoolPing for booking appointments for Parents Evenings.
Email invitations are sent out to parents/carers to sign up for SchoolPing when a child starts the school. Please check your inbox and junk mail folder for this message. It contains a link that leads you through the sign-up process. The free SchoolPing App is available to Android and IPhone users and is simple to use. Dowload it from you app store.
If you did not receive an email, please contact the office. It could be that we do not have an up-to-date email on file or any email at all.
Please note: If you have already logged into the DB Primary website before, it is the same username and password for SchoolPing.
Contact the school office if you require a reminder of your login details.