Online Safety & Safeguarding

Safeguarding Information for Visitors
All staff and visitors alike have a responsibility for safeguarding our pupils. To ensure this we ask the following:
- Switch off your mobile phone/device and store it in your bag.
- In the event you do need to use your mobile phone or camera enabled device, please check with the teacher you are working with and do so in an area that is not accessed by the children - this includes corridors.
- Do not take pictures, videos or sound recordings of any pupils unless you have sought permission from the school. These should never be taken on personal devices.
- If you are working with a child, please ensure the class teacher is aware of this, where you are working and approximately how long for.
- If you are working with a child, please do so in a space that is open, has an open door or is visible to others through a window.
- If you have a concern about a child please pass this on to the child’s class teacher, who will then follow our safeguarding procedures. If they are not available, please speak with one of our Designated Safeguarding Officers – Heather Byrne (Pastoral LSA), Clare Woodward (Headteacher), Louise Eaton (Deputy Headteacher).
- If you have a concern about another adult in school, please ask to speak to a Designated Safeguarding Officer.
- Always share concerns with school staff, no matter how small they may appear, and don’t keep them to yourself.
- If a child says something to you that you think could be a safeguarding concern, act as above, and if possible write down what was said immediately. Listen to the child, do not question them or promise them that it will remain confidential between the two of you.
Mrs Heather Byrne - Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Ms. Clare Woodward - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Mrs Louise Eaton - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

If you are concerned that a child may be being harmed and you are unable to contact a member of the school safeguarding team please use the contact information below:
Where there are immediate concerns about the safety or welfare of a child or young person:
Telephone: 0345 603 7634
For all other enquiries:
Telephone: 0345 603 7627
You can ask for help, advice or information for yourself, someone in your family, a friend or a neighbour.
Where a situation is urgent and cannot wait until the next working day:
Monday to Thursday 5.30pm - 9am
Friday and bank holidays 4.30pm – 9am
Telephone: 0345 606 1212
Online Safety Workshop
All children in school were involved in child friendly, age appropriate workshops led by The 2 Johns (two former police officers). They spoke to the children about how to keep themselves safe online and discussed with them the games they play, the apps they use, and how to stay safe within them.
In the evening we held a parents' event. The aim of the evening was to change parents' perspective of what their children's lives look like online and to challenge many of their thought processes when trying to keep children safe from today’s hidden harms.

External Organisations
FGM Helpline: 0808 028 3550
Helpline: 0800 1111
Helpline: 0800 555 111
Equality Now
Telephone: 0207 304 6902
Daughters of Eve
Text: 07983 030 488
FGM National Clinical Group
Websites for more information
Please click on the icon to go to the relevant site

CEOP (The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) delivers a multi-agency service dedicated to tackling the abuse and exploitation of children in the real and ‘e’ world. Often it is referred to as an online 999. By clicking on the button, young people and parents can get advice on a range of issues such as viruses, hacking and dealing with bullying online.

“Thinkuknow” is brought to you by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre.

Kidsmart gives you lots of advice on how to stay safe online.

ParentINFO is a collaboration between ParentZone and CEOP. There are useful guides and articles on helping your child stay safe online.

The Ultimate Parent Guide for Protection your child on the internet.

ADT Healthcare offers a free hotline dedicated to assisting women and families suffering from drug, alcohol and mental health problems. ADT Healthcare was founded in 2011 by people who overcame drug and alcohol addiction themselves.