Admission Arrangements
Queen Boudica School’s admissions are determined by the Local Education Authority . Children normally attend school full-time in the September following their fourth birthday. All primary schools must offer children a full-time place at the start of the Autumn term in September. However, legally a child does not have to start full-time education until the term after their fifth birthday. Once you have accepted a place for your child the attendance rules and expectations will apply regardless of thier age.
Information on how the arrangements work can be found on the Essex County Council School Admissions website. These include the selection and over subscription criteria, a statement of our current published admission number (PAN), and the process for applications and appeals.

Important Application Dates
4th November 2024- Applications open and can be made via the Essex County Council School Admissions website
15th Jan 2025 -Statutory national closing date for all applications.
16th April 2025 – National Offer Day. Parents notified by Essex Local Authority of place allocated.
Once your child's school place has been offered by the local authority we will write to you with important information on our parents meeting and visits for your child. We will also send you our Pupil Record Form which will need completing in order to finalise your child's place.
Please return this to the school office by Friday 9th May 2025.
A pack containing information about school uniform , term dates etc. will be available to collect from the school office from the 16th April.
We look forward to welcoming you.
QB Virtual Tour
We are looking foward to meeting all our prospective parents and children for September 2024. If you are not able to attend one of our tours we have created our own virtual tour below: